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A Present for Father’s Day

时间:2010-05-04 13:49 来源: 作者:llilk 点击:
导读:A Present for Father’s Day Last Sunday, world of warcraft gold I went to an English-study report. A little girl and her father sat behind me. They were discussing the meaning of an English word shown on the screen. On hearing their conversation, I r

A Present for Father’s Day
Last Sunday, world of warcraft gold I went to an English-study report. A little girl and her father sat behind me. They were discussing the meaning of an English word shown on the screen. On hearing their conversation, I recalled my happy childhood with my father.
As a small child,world of warcraft gold I was blessed with the dear father who is profound and patient. He often taught me some English words at the time, which made me become interested in English. Consequently when I went to primary school, English became my favorite subject.world of warcraft gold Moreover I still remember that everyday dad recorded a TV programme we both liked very much on video for me, and then we watched it together at lunchtime.world of warcraft gold It was an interesting programme, which told historical legend.Also in summer accompanied dad in his office till a late hour. From then on I understood that dad worked with great effort. There’re still too many precious memories for me to list here, which I’ll cherish in my heart.
Times flies and I’m twenty now. As I’m growing older, I realize that the most outstanding person is right by my side—my dad.world of warcraft gold And I become different myself. I’ m now a grown-up who knows one should be independent. I have my own goal in life. Therefore I’ll exert myself so as to become versatile. Dad is aging gradually. Unfortunately, he is suffering from heart attack every now and then and he toils away over his work. nike shoes I hope that he may get support from me just like what I did from him before. In my belief, every period of one’s life has its splendor, so does old age. Thus, as I have diverse opportunities after graduate, dad also has a colorful future. nike shoes As far as I concerned, dad has a brilliant mind and will succeed in everything he wants to. What’s more, he has such an excellent daughter—at least will be excellent in future—who will advocate him permanently.
Therefore, nike shoesdad, forget all about the illnesses and unhappiness, since there are so many nice things waiting for you to enjoy. And the first is the Father’s Day.
The flourishing commercial street, decorated by twinkling neon light, conspicuous advertisements, popular songs and fashionable teenagers, wow power leveling makes people almost forget that night is black.
Rambling around the multi-colored street, my friends and I enjoy the beautiful night scene proudly as a native of this city. Behind us, there is a group of foreign travelers who are obviously astonished by the new look of the ancient city. One minute later, such placid harmony is completely destroyed by several five or six-year-old grimy kids. Roses, swinging in wind, have lost its romantic meaning earlier and little by little red is licked up by the black night.All the things that are happening behind us are not a surprise. wow power levelingWe keep on walking forward. The usual way is to pass them hurriedly otherwise people have to be subdued to the kids’ tangle. This moment, nothing is remained in our minds but the clear eyes of the little girl.
